Vopak Starts Office in Japan for Storage of Energy Transition Fuels
07.19.2024 By Tank Terminals - NEWS

July 19, 2024 [Reuters]- Dutch tank storage firm Vopak has opened a new office in Tokyo, Japan, to provide terminal infrastructure solutions for a variety of products to be used in the country’s energy transition, it said on Wednesday.


Vopak has been working on strategic partnerships to explore the development and operation of ammonia terminals in Japan, and to bring global practices for industrial terminal management to the country, Chris Robblee, Vopak’s president of Asia and Middle East, said in a statement.

The Tokyo office will focus on the safe handling and storage of hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives, such as ammonia, which is an alternative to fossil fuels in thermal power generation, Vopak said.

The company will also provide infrastructure solutions for carbon dioxide, liquefied natural gas, long-duration energy storage, and low-carbon fuels and feedstock – fuels that will be used to meet Japan’s 2050 decarbonisation goals.


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A total of 72 Vopak terminals are listed in TankTerminals.com.

We list here 10 Vopak terminals with a direct link to access their data.

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