Sempra plans californian Terminal expansion
03.15.2006 - NEWS

Sempra Energy has completed just 30 percent of the liquefied natural gas terminal it is building near Ensenada in Baja California, but it’s already considering expansion.
The San Diego company said it has been approached by customers whose demand would justify a bigger plant, leading the company to open a bidding process that could more than double the terminal’s processing capability.

The Board of Max Terminals NV Approved the Investment for the Third and Final Phase of Max Terminals
09.19.2024 - NEWS
September 19, 2024 [Linkedin]- On September 12th, 2024, the Board of Max Terminals NV, a GTS comp... Read More
AMG and RWE Sign Deal for 250,000 Tonnes of Green Ammonia Supply
09.19.2024 - NEWS
September 19, 2024 [Manufacturing Today India]- AMG and RWE Supply & Trading have inked a Mem... Read More
Jordan Green Ammonia LLC Signs Land Use Agreements to Advance Green Energy Initiative
09.19.2024 - NEWS
September 19, 2024 [SolarQuarter]- Jordan Green Ammonia LLC (JGA), a prominent player in the rene... Read More
German State Gas Company Seeks Expansion Before Privatization
09.19.2024 - NEWS
September 19, 2024 [Oil Price]- Securing Energy for Europe, or SEFE, is trying to build a stronge... Read More