Mabanaft to Build Hamburg Ammonia Import Terminal
07.17.2024 By Tank Terminals - NEWS

July 17, 2024 [Tank Storage]- Mabanaft has submitted approval documents for the planned construction of an ammonia import terminal in Hamburg, Germany, to the Hamburg Authority of Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture (BUKEA).

The ammonia import terminal will be built on Mabanaft’s existing tank terminal Blumensand in the Port of Hamburg and will be used in particular to expand the hydrogen supply.

Subject to approval under the BImSchG, one of Mabanaft’s main construction measures includes restructuring the existing Blumensand tank storage facilities, which is wholly owned by Mabanaft’s tank storage division, so that ammonia could also be imported, stored, and processed there in the future. This would require demolishing two large petroleum storage tanks. The permit application submission brings Mabanaft one step closer to realising its ammonia import terminal.

Philipp Kroepels, director of New Energy at Mabanaft says: ‘With the planned import terminal in the Port of Hamburg, we have the opportunity to implement yet another piece of the energy transition and bring it to Hamburg.” He adds: ”Our import terminal aims to make innovative energy solutions, such as ammonia, available for shipping and for further processing into hydrogen.’

As part of the permitting process, Mabanaft was invited by BUKEA to participate in a scoping meeting with authority representatives and other parties in January 2024. The purpose of the scoping meeting was to determine the scope of the voluntary Environmental Impact Assessment and the documents to be submitted to BUKEA. In the spring and summer of 2023, Mabanaft also successfully completed an application conference and a HazID analysis to identify potential nautical risks. is a market research platform with operational, infrastructural and contact details of more than +8,500 tank terminals and +5,000 production facilities worldwide.

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We list here a direct link to access the data of Mabanaft Ammonia Project, in Hamburg, Germany

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