April 30, 2015 [LNG Industry] - National Grid’s Isle of Grain LNG terminal has announced that it is to offer a reload service to market. This is the first time that an LNG reload service has been offered in the UK.
The announcement follows successful LNG ship cool down and ship reload trials on the 160 000 m3 Asia Vision LNG carrier in March 2015.
Simon Culkin, Grain LNG Terminal Manager, said: “Grain is a world class LNG facility, welcoming vessels from around the world. This new reloading service facilitates our break bulk capability and complements our cooling, road tankering and regasification services, giving our customers the flexibility they need.”
Grain LNG is the largest importation terminal in Europe (the eighth largest in the world), with 1 million m3 of storage space and the capability to import 15 million tpy of LNG. The terminal has two jetties, one of which is Qmax capable.
The LNG terminal has planned a fourth phase of development, subject to market interest. This would see the addition of a 190 000 m3 tank and a second cryogenic unloading line. All of the planning consents are in place.
National Grid has also launched an open season to assess interest in small scale reloading. This would require the retrofit of an existing jetty, with a target date of 2016.