EUROPE: Next Milestone for Wilhelmshaven LNG Terminal Project
09.07.2020 By Greta Talmaci - NEWS

September 07, 2020 [Bunker Spot] – LNG Terminal Wilhelmshaven (LTeW), a subsidiary of energy company Uniper, is inviting market participants to express their binding interest in throughput capacities in the proposed German LNG terminal.

Within the next five years, LTeW is planning to further develop, construct and commission an LNG terminal at Wilhelmshaven, Germany’s sole deepwater port. The project will see the deployment of a Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) and the nominal send-out capacity of the terminal will be 9.78 bcm per year.

Alongside regasification, it is planned that the FSRU will also be used for loading LNG onto LNG ships and LNG bunker barges.

The new call for expressions of binding interest in throughput capacities follows the non-binding phase of the open season process, which began in May 2019 and has, according to Uniper, ‘already found great interest among market players’.

The next phase of the project will begin on 14 September and is aiming for binding booking requests.

In addition, a scoping process for determining an environment impact assessment of the terminal site has also begun in conjunction with the authorities.

Uniper says that a final investment decision on the construction of the terminal will be taken based on sufficient demand from market participants and economic viability – provided that all necessary public approval and permitting processes are concluded successfully’.


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