EU Approves $3.2 bln in German Hydrogen Pipeline Support
06.24.2024 By Tank Terminals - NEWS

June 24, 2024 [Reuters]- The European Commission has signed off on about 3 billion euros ($3.2 billion) of planned German state aid for building a system of hydrogen pipelines known as the Hydrogen Core Network (HCN).


Berlin plans to give financial guarantees to allow companies that build and run the 20 billion euro network to obtain more favourable loans to cover initial losses during the ramp-up phase from 2025.

Encouraging the uptake of hydrogen outweighs any distortion to EU competition and trade from the scheme, the Commission said on Friday.

Germany’s ruling coalition agreed in April on the financing mechanism and extended the construction deadline by five years to 2037, also offering protection for investors in case of bankruptcy.

Many countries are looking to hydrogen, which can be generated from wind and solar power for a more storable form of green energy, to help them reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.

Hydrogen is widely viewed as the only practicable carbon-free energy source for many processes in heavy industry, including the steel, chemicals, refining, glass and ceramics sectors.

Germany’s ruling coalition agreed in April on the financing mechanism and extended the construction deadline by five years to 2037, also offering protection for investors in case of bankruptcy.

Many countries are looking to hydrogen, which can be generated from wind and solar power for a more storable form of green energy, to help them reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.

Hydrogen is widely viewed as the only practicable carbon-free energy source for many processes in heavy industry, including the steel, chemicals, refining, glass and ceramics sectors.

Future private sector network operators will seek a return on their investment by charging user fees.


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