Enbridge lauds Transport Canada Review of Northern Gateway Project
02.25.2012 - NEWS

February 25, 2012 [OPIS] - Enbridge Inc. has welcomed a report published by Transport Canada on its Northern Gateway liquids pipeline project that would extend to the coast of British Columbia.   
Transport Canada's TERMPOL Review Process Report reviewed the marine operations associated with the Northern Gateway terminal and associated tanker traffic in Canadian waters.

In a statement late Thursday, Enbridge highlighted the report’s conclusion that there were no regulatory concerns identified for vessels, vessel operations, the proposed routes, navigability, other waterway users and the marine terminal operations associated with vessels supporting the Northern Gateway Project. Additionally, the report noted that existing international and Canadian marine laws and regulations complemented by the enhanced safety measures Enbridge would be putting in place and monitoring would provide for safer shipping, hence supporting the Northern Gateway project, Enbridge said. Also, proposed shipping routes were appropriate for the oil tankers that would be used at the proposed terminal, Enbridge said, referring to the report.

Transport Canada could not be reached for immediate comment.

The C$5.5 billion Northern Gateway pipeline project comprises two pipelines and a new marine terminal. A westerly flowing oil pipeline will move some 525,000 b/d of petroleum near Edmonton, Alberta to Kitimat, British Columbia. An easterly flowing pipeline will transport condensates in the reverse direction with a capacity of 193,000 b/d. The condensate is used to thin petroleum products for pipeline transport. The project was made public in 2008, and is expected to be operational by the end of 2016. This project has met resistance from various groups including environmental forums concerned about its impact on marine life and coastal communities.

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