Ekol to Carry Out Environmental Works at SOCAR's Dubendi Terminal
01.06.2011 - NEWS

January 6, 2011 [Trend] - This year, "Ekol muhendislik xidmetleri" will conduct environmental work at the site of the oil terminal of SOCAR in Dubendi, a statement said.

According to the information, the work, envisaged at the terminal, includes wastewater and sewage cleaning, recycling and disposal of oil sludge.

The company is implementing a project for bioremediation and storage of oil sludge on the plots owned by the oil and gas department Balahanyneft.

The co-founders of Ekol Muhendislik Xidmetleri, which was created on March 1, 2006 to solve environmental problems on the Absheron Peninsula, are SOCAR (51 percent) and Lancer SA Services (49 percent).

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