Petrobras Eyes Stakes in African Oil Projects
09.27.2024 By Tank Terminals - NEWS

September 27, 2024 [Oil Price]- Brazil’s state-controlled oil giant, Petrobras, is exploring new opportunities by seeking stakes in African oil blocks from majors like ExxonMobil, Shell, TotalEnergies, and Equinor. The move reflects Petrobras’ strategy to expand beyond its traditional deep-water fields in Brazil, particularly as domestic exploration has slowed.


The company is targeting ten potential projects in African countries such as Namibia, South Africa, and Angola. One key opportunity is a 40% stake in Galp Energia’s Mopane oil and gas field in Namibia, a region with promising offshore potential. Petrobras has already acquired minority stakes in three blocks from Shell in Sao Tome and Principe.

This strategic shift is partly driven by geological similarities between Africa and Brazil. The two continents were once connected, leading to comparable oil-rich basins on both sides of the Atlantic. Namibia, in particular, is seen as a potential future oil powerhouse akin to the massive discoveries made in Guyana.

In addition to Africa, Petrobras is eyeing Argentina’s Vaca Muerta shale region for natural gas opportunities. Talks with companies like YPF and Tecpetrol are underway as Petrobras seeks to secure gas supplies and support local industries.

With $11 billion allocated for acquisitions as part of its $102 billion five-year plan, Petrobras is well-positioned to pursue these new ventures. However, the company has ruled out returning to Venezuela due to environmental concerns in areas like Lake Maracaibo.

Looking ahead, a key focus for Petrobras remains obtaining permits to explore the Foz do Amazonas basin in Brazil’s Equatorial Margin, where they hope to mirror Exxon’s successful discoveries in Guyana.


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