Oxford nanoSystems Introduces New Testing Solutions for Green Hydrogen Development
05.29.2024 By Tank Terminals - NEWS

May 29, 2024 [Renewable Energy Magazine]- Developer of nano coating technologies Oxford nanoSystems has announced the launch of its ElectroFlow ETS20 Multi-cell Electrolyser Test Station and ElectroFlow MTF Multi-cell Electrolyser Test Fixture, specifically designed to accelerate research and development (R&D) in electrolysis technology.


The demand for green hydrogen is growing, driven by its potential to decarbonise various industries and contribute to achieving net zero targets. However, large-scale adoption depends on reducing the production cost of green hydrogen, which requires significant advancements in electrolyser performance.

The new products introduced by Oxford nanoSystems are designed to address this critical need by offering streamlined testing solutions to material, component and electrolyser researchers to accelerate the R&D process.

“Our multi-cell test station and fixtures are a unique offering in the market” said Ian Russell, CEO of Oxford nanoSystems, “They enable users to conduct multiple tests simultaneously under identical conditions, facilitating efficient comparisons of various materials – a critical aspect of successful R&D efforts in electrolyser development.”

By enabling parallel testing of multiple electrolyser cells, the ElectroFlow solution provides a significant key benefit; efficient material evaluation. Electrolyser scientists and engineers can effectively assess the performance of key cell components, such as membranes, electrodes and coatings.

The ElectroFlow ETS20 is also ideal for gaining familiarity with the operating principles of electrolyser systems, as well as methods for testing and analysis of electrolyser cells and components.

The ElectroFlow ETS20 and the ElectroFlow MTF were developed to support the rigorous testing processes used for Oxford nanoSystems’ innovative coating technology.

“In speaking with customers about our nanoFLUX coating, it has become clear that many have faced challenges with test equipment” added Mr Russell. “Until now, there hasn’t been a solution available to test multiple cells at the same time and under the same conditions.”


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