OQ Chemicals Resumes Operations in German Plants
05.13.2024 By Tank Terminals - NEWS

May 13, 2024 [Market Watch]- Global chemical company OQ Chemicals has successfully restarted production at its German plants in Oberhausen and Marl after overcoming a recent disruption at a raw material supplier’s synthesis gas plant. This led to a declaration of force majeure for certain products.


During the operational pause, OQ Chemicals implemented strategic enhancements to optimize production processes such as data flows and work processes across asset management, operations technology, and engineering. These improvements, aimed at enhancing efficiency and reliability, align with OQ Chemicals’ commitment to digitalization and process development.

“They are pleased to report that our units in Germany can ramp up again,” stated Albrecht Schwerin, COO at OQ Chemicals. “The unpredictable shutdown has not been an easy time for them, especially since they have been experiencing high levels of customer demand. Nevertheless, OQ Chemicals has remained committed to supporting its customers throughout the disruption. Leveraging their cross-functional international production platform, they worked hard to supply their customers from other sites to minimize the impact on their operations and supply chains.”


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