First Shipment of SAF Arrives at Fuel Storage Facility
06.26.2023 By News - NEWS

June 26, 2023 [Biofuels Internationals]- Zenith Energy has received the first shipment of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) from Montana Renewables.


The fuel was transported to its Portland, Oregon, fuel storage facility on June 5.

“This historic event advances Zenith’s commitment to the city of Portland to remove 100 percent of all crude oil from their storage facility by October 2027,” the company stated.
Zenith expects renewable fuel storage to account for over 40% of the storage capacity by the end of this year.

“Zenith is proud to uphold its commitment to help Portland, and the broader West Coast, advance its clean energy transition,” said Grady Reamer, chief commercial officer of Zenith Energy.

“We look forward to completely eliminating crude oil at our Portland storage terminals over the next few years, and sustainable aviation fuel will be a key part of this transition.”

With Montana Renewables producing an estimated 30 million gallons of SAF each year, Zenith’s Portland location will be pivotal in redirecting the use of low-carbon fuels that will be used in air travel and shipping.

Zenith will store the SAF for Shell, which will then distribute it to West Coast airports.

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