December 5, 2014 [TanQuid GmbH & Co.KG] - TanQuid GmbH & Co. KG acquires tank farm Essen II, Haus-Horl-Str. 105 from Unabhängige Tanklagerge-sellschaft mbH, Bremerhaven (UTG).
Jens Moir, CEO of TanQuid: “Tank farm Essen II ideally complements our terminal portfolio and fits perfectly with our strategy of healthy and sustained growth.”
UTG remains land owner in Essen and provides TanQuid a long-term lease.
Tank farm Essen II is used exclusively for strategic storage by Erdölbevorratungsverband (EBV) and stock rotation partners. Storage capacity is of around 143,000 cbm.
The parties agreed to remain silent on the purchase price.