December 9, 2010 [Telvent GIT S.A.] - Telvent, the leading real-time IT solutions and information provider for a sustainable world, announced that it has signed a new turnkey contract with Mexican state energy company Mexican Petroleum (Pemex) to provide a centralized control solution for automated product handling at all Pemex oil storage terminals.
The Telvent solution will optimize the accuracy of product data and support agile business management for the third largest oil producer in the world.
Pemex has realized successful pipeline control based on Telvent’s OASyS supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system and will extend its reliance on the advanced Telvent technology to manage the product receiving and storage facilities in the Mexican National Storage and Distribution Terminal Network (Red Nacional de Terminales de Almacenamiento y Reparto de Mexico).
The Telvent automation systems will centralize product loading, unloading and delivery operations. The advanced application software will collect product volumes and balances and make this data available in real-time to Pemex enterprise applications, improving the accuracy and efficiency of the related business processes. The system also includes fire prevention support for the safety of personnel, the community, and the environment.
Initially, seven terminals will be modernized with the Telvent SCADA, with automation of 77 terminals expected during this project. Yet, because the Telvent control system is scalable, it will easily accommodate terminal network modifications and further expansion, providing Pemex a long-term control solution.